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6 thoughts on “LVL1 Hackerspace Build-out in Progress!

  1. DW

    Hey guys, space looks awesome! Great meeting up with Brian and Mark at Maker Faire, and hopefully we'll meet more of you from LVL1 soon.

    Your Canadian friend from kwartzlab,

  2. gus

    Your space is amazing, the huge hall with the skylight, and the weird basement are quite interesting and allow for all kinds of options. I can't wait to come visit.


  3. Chris Hodapp

    I'm from Hive13, the hackerspace that just emerged in Cincinnati about a year ago. Gotta say, that space looks enormous and I'm a bit jealous!
    But I'm pleased to see another hackerspace popping up relatively close by, and it looks like you are progressing very well. We'd love to check your space out once you're moved in.

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