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We’re back! …kinda…

LVL1 is now open again!

There are now 2 port-a-potties at the building. One for boys and one for girls.

MSD and contractor plumbing crews will be active at LVL1 for the next week, while they redo our sewer lines. They say one week, but let's go ahead and assume 2 weeks.. Access will be through the garage door in the alley. The RFID reader has been moved to the garage door side, to allow RFID entry.

Please be patient with the MSD and plumbing crews while they are working. If they have any questions about access or procedure, direct them to contact our landlord. Don't try to answer it yourself. The landlord is the point of contact for all the work crews.

Everyone can resume your pulse jets, flame colors, synthesizer building, 3D printering, lasering, space AI or whatever else you're working on.


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