We are often asked how to get involved and use the tools, space or just hang around makers. So how does one go about getting help? Or being involved? Or use a bandsaw or laser cutter? (hint visit the WIKI and look for the equipment page)
First, visit the space! We are an open community and offer access to anyone when members are present. LVL1’s calendar includes many recurring events such as our weekly open meeting Tuesdays at 8PM.
- Visit, review & post items on the public Google Group
- Review the calendar of events
- Glance at our Flickr stream (and take pictures while you are in the space)
- Like us on Facebook
- Tweet to us on Twitter
- Submit an application for the Makership program, a free 3 month membership & $100 stipend to help would-be makers experience the space and make progress on their project
- Make a donation our Makership program
So what are you waiting for? Join us!
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