Learn the basics of Arduino and how to leverage this embedded platform for your next electronics project. We'll cover how to control LEDs, motors, and communicate with a variety of sensors using the Arduino IDE. We'll also cover general electronics topics including voltage and current and basic components like resistors and capacitors. We'll provide the Arduino and other electrical components, but you cannot take them home with you. If you want a set, I'll make recommendations at the workshop.
Sign up here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/arduino-101-workshop-tickets-19811113574
What you need to do before the workshop:
1. Load your laptop with the latest Arduino IDE installed (https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software) and bring it with you\
2. Brush up on C or other programming languages, just enough to be familiar with the big ideas (e.g. variables, loops, if-statements).
3. Get excited, you're about to learn some really awesome stuff 🙂