Its about time we had burn to money.
- Date: Saturday July 9, 2016
- Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
- Moment of Truth: 2:30 PM
- Prize: $100.00
- Max Participants: 15 individuals or Teams
- Fires not permitted inside space, that is what the outdoors is for.
All you have to do to compete is start a fire. How hard can that be?
Any Fire will do. It can be brief and small or larger and long. However, large and long burning fires are more theatrical, something I’ve come to understand is important to hackerspaces.
The challenge is to create a fire or ignition source that can ignite the sample or another combustible material by mechanically damaging any part of the sample using 24 volts DC max.
Sample furnished at no cost, 1 per Competitor/Team
Combustible materials can only include things found in no particular order:
First aid kit,
Standard Tools common to a mechanic’s tool box
Sample: an ~12" length of functional IP 68 LED rope light
Results to be judged based on creativity, simplicity and of course awesomeness. While the judge is not perfect their decision is and that decision is final. Winner take all.
Now let’s get this fire thing started and Win a Benjamin!