Almost every night of the week, LVL1’s 2,000-square-foot communal workshop is a hive of tinkering, socializing and building. Oscilloscopes, wave-form synthesizers and multi-meters, all donated by members, line the shelves and tables inside the hacker space. Puffs of smoke and tiny explosions erupt from the poised tips of soldering irons. Hand-built robots click and flash. Musical instruments are modified, purposefully mangled and built from scratch. Consumer electronics have their warranties voided by simply being opened up, cheap broken toys are cannibalized for parts, and, above all, information, free and plentiful, is shared.
At a Tuesday night meeting, Tim Miller, a quiet, dark-haired network technician in his mid-20s, draws a rough sketch of a tree on the dry-erase board at the front of the room, adding a squiggle at the end of a branch near the top and stepping back into the crowd of half a dozen that has wandered over and gathered behind him.
He crosses his arms as the group considers the problem: At the end of a test flight, the computer payload for a robotic helium balloon that members of LVL1 designed has gotten stuck 80 feet in the air, tangled in the upper regions of a giant tree on a Christian dude ranch in Vernon, Ind. Somehow, the payload — a 12-pound mother-brain of chips and sensors about the size of a microwave — has to be retrieved so the data it has collected can be analyzed. Ideally, the payload can be installed beneath another balloon that, in the coming weeks, will attempt a record-setting flight across the Atlantic.
Tag: space
Support LVL1
By using the donate button below you will be taken to Paypal to make a donation to the laser cutter fund. When you use this button the donation is earmarked for the laser cutter fund, not the general fund.
White Star Balloon Project - official site
Monthly Donation
Help LVL1 with a small monthly recurring donation of $13.37!
LVL1 Makership
We're raising money for a Makership fund. A makership is similar to a scholarship, but the focus is on a creating something. We are using this fund to support an aspiring maker in financial need. The fund includes all LVL1 membership dues for 1 year, plus $400 to fund their proposed makership project.
For more information, see LVL1 Makership
Space Gets some New Test Equipment
Its nothing fancy, but if you have a power supply you think is bad, or you think you have some bad network lines, you may want to come down to the space and borrow some new test equipment we have. Â Read further on for the specs. Â Thanks to the dozen or so people at LVL1 who pitched in to get this for us all to share. Â For a link of other fine equipment we already have, see
LVL1 2010 by the numbers
- 30 new LVL1 members
- 1 new space
- 31 LVL1 General Meetings / Open Builds
- 6 special events and celebrations
- 14 workshops
- 52 Freeduinos Assembled
- 21 TV-B-Gones Assembled
- 21 Mintiboosts Assembled
- 10 Louisville Soundbuilders Meetings
- 4 KYOSS Meetings
- 172 Google Group Members
- 3993 Google Group Posts
- 1 new Makerbot
- 1 Balloon eating tree
- ??? Estimated bottles of beer consumed