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This Saturday, January 21st, there will be a KiCad Workshop from 1pm to 5pm.  Sign up here:

KiCad is a free utility for designing and laying out printed circuit boards.  Printed circuit boards connect your circuits together without the need for breadboards and jumper wires.  With circuit prototyping services cheaper than ever, it's simple to turn your design into a real, working board.

This workshop will cover the basics of KiCad, from Schematic Capture, to Board Layout, you'll walk out of the workshop with the knowledge necessary to take your circuit ideas from dream to reality.

If you're already familiary with Eagle, KiCad has a number of advantages, including unlimited board size, up to 16 copper layers on your board, multiple sheets of schematic, and more.

Please install KiCad before coming to this workshop.  If you have any problems, or questions, don't hesitate to let us know.  If you need help installing KiCad, show up early and we'll try to help you out.