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LVL1 Move, Wall Logo

It's been a busy month around LVL1! As we announce in April,we're moving to a new building at The Pointe in Butchertown! The new digs feature 8800 square feet of concrete floors, with three phase power, plenty of electricity run throughout, a dedicate wood/metal shop area (including the ability to weld indoors!), and better climate control. We've been working hard to get the new place ready to inhabit. We raised $9,001 through the Community Foundation's Give Local Louisville campaign (thanks to you, our community!), which we've been using to customize our space for hacking. In true DIY fashion, we've been working on this almost entirely on our own.

Plenty of space upgrades some along with the sweet new hackerspace, including new member shelves (care of the Community Foundation capacity building grant), a Shapeoko mill (care of Inventables), upgrade networking equipment, brand new kitchen appliances (care of GE), new projectors and smart-board technology (care of Power Creative), and more!

We've spent the past two months clearing out the new space, moving the old space, pulling building permits, and building walls. Currently, the walls stand roughed-in, waiting for inspection. After we receive our rough inspection, we'll add drywall and insulation. Following that, we can receive our final inspection and occupancy certificate. As soon as we receive our occupancy certificate, all operations move to the new space!

Until further notice, operations are still at the 814 E Broadway location! When operations move to 1205 E Washington, we'll let folks know via this blog, facebook, twitter,, our public mailing list, our member's only mailing list, and possible smoke signals from the roof. Our grand-opening celebration is tentatively scheduled for August 9th, so save the date!

More pictures and details of our move after the break:

...continue reading "Pardon our dust — LVL1 is Still Moving!"