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I just finished programming my gearclock that I showed off last week.  I added a Chronodot real time clock so it keeps perfect time!  I also wrote up an instructable here: so you can build your own.  I also have some stepper motors if you want to buy them from me (cheap!).  Put your Arduino to work!  Learn how to use the lasercutter!  Brian

Some more pics...

Who needs GPS for directions when you have a waggle dance?Field Bees At the Hive EntranceThere will be a beginner beekeeping class at LVL1 on Sunday 3/13 from 2-4.  As people get more interested in gardening and learning where their food comes from urban or neighborhood beekeeping is gaining in popularity. I will bring every type of equipment I own plus pictures of things I don't.  You will learn what can be expected if you decide to get some bees.  Why would I want bees you ask?  They make honey.  They help your garden.  They make honey.  They help your neighbors garden.  They make honey for goodness sake! There will be no bees at the class. This is a perfect opportunity to find out if beekeeping is something you want to try.  I'll be bringing some honey to sample.  There is no cost for this class.

Todd W.

Remember daylight savings is Saturday night!