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This is a free Micro Lab on Climate Change.  A micro lab is an innovative thinking pathway to help spur ideas - in this case surrounding climate change.  It is a type of brain storming session that might take less than 1 hour.  The contact person for this event is Amy Shah.
Sign up at this link:
What is a micro lab?
More information at:
A micro lab is an innovative thinking pathway that can:
  • ensure equal group participation
  • build active listening skills
  • build on and develop connections to the ideas of others
What does this entail?
3-21+ people who might be willing to participate with an open mind
possibly paper or pencils/pens
What is the procedure?
- pick a topic: Climate change
- get into groups of 3, designate a recorder, put cell phones on silent
- begin timing 2 minutes to brainstorm individually
- Person 1 speaks for 1-2 minutes.  If a person stops before time is up, sit in silence
- 30 seconds of silence
- Person 2 speaks for 1-2 minutes
- 30 seconds of silence
- Person 3 speaks for 1-2 minutes
- 30 seconds of silence
- 5 to 10 minutes of discussion as a small group of 3
- recorder brings ideas to the broader group during time to share
Why do I want to do this?
This is a highly innovative idea that I have heard working in other settings/countries and I wanted to try it here.  I am curious how it might work for us and what might result.  This is not being done for any broader reason besides learning about climate change and trying out a micro lab.
What's it in for those participating?
I will supply light refreshments and it might be a neat evening

person pouring tea
Come to the #100Hats Project Tea Party!

This is a celebration and appreciation event for all who helped and supported the #100Hats Project in 2020, 2021, and 2022. We are so grateful for your support! We have donated around 300+ hats and other handmade winter clothing items since this project started. Tea and cookies will be provided.  If you want to learn to make a simple hat or scarf, yarn and crochet hooks will be available for loan while at the Hackerspace so you can learn.  Amy Shah will teach you the basic stitches to begin.

Enjoy some free tea and cookies and learn to make a hat!

Letter from President Biden
Letter from President Biden
This is an update about the ongoing #100Hats project.  In 2020, the #100Hats project donated around 100 hats to local charities. The project was also involved with the President's Volunteer Service Award Program at the University of Louisville. Every hour that was spent making and distributing the hats counted towards the volunteer service award.  The number of hours donated was over 250 hours!  President Biden honored the #100Hats Project and Amy Shah with a letter, certificate and pin. Wow!  LVL1 members, the #100Hats project is an award winning project! Thanks to the Awesome Foundation, Wonderful donors of time, money and yarn, and, of course,  LVL1 members for  making  all  this  possible.
Hat to be donated for the project
Hat to be donated for the #100Hats Project

About this Event
In this workshop you will solder, program and build your own internet enabled micro weather station. This weather station uses a wifi enabled Wemos D1 Mini board and a 1.3" oled display as well as a 3d printed enclosure. Really cool project for you to show off at home, work or school! Learn about the exciting world of internet enabled devices!

We will teach you how to solder, load the weather station software, hack the weather station software, debug, and program a Wemos D1 mini microcontroller.

$20 is cheap for all you will learn and get!

Signup here: