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LVL1 Awarded Competitive $50K SBA Grant

Release Date: August 4, 2015

LVL1, Louisville’s Maker & Hackerspace Receives $50K SBA Grant

(Louisville, KY) LVL1, Louisville's premier maker and hackerspace, is one of 80 recipients of a $50,000 grant provided by the Small Business Administration Fund Competition for accelerators and spaces designed to give access to tools, mentorship & education for entrepreneurs, tinkerers and makers. In total, $4.4 million was made awarded to organizations across 39 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico out of a pool of over 400 applicants.

Since inception in 2010, LVL1 has been a destination for thousands of people to learn, make, collaborate and socialize in a space full of tools that include laser cutters, 3d printers, a smart classroom, a full woodshop and metalshop.

"This accelerator grant further highlights that entrepreneurs, makers, artists and tinkerers in Louisville will continue to have access to needed tools, resources and a community to bring their ideas to life," Mayor Greg Fischer said. “As a LVL1 member I look forward to seeing how this grant opens the door to new possibilities.”

LVL1 will use the grant to purchase additional tools frequently requested including both a ShopBot CNC and an embroidery machine in addition to improving the 8,800 square foot Butchertown facility with enhanced lighting and ventilation. Additionally, LVL1 plans to offer additional training courses and workshops that will include: microelectronics like Raspberry Pis, Arduinos; startup cofounder meetups; and beginning fabrication.

"We are an open community uniquely positioned to help anyone that is curious or wants to learn nearly any skill set," commented Danielle Blank, LVL1's President.  "We encourage anyone interested in learning, making and doing to visit our space through our open hours or events and consider joining as a member to gain access to the existing and new equipment."

The purpose of the competition was to draw attention and funding to parts of the country where there are gaps in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. While there are entrepreneurial activities occurring nationwide, some are better supported by private sector ecosystems than others.


For more information on the SBA Accelerator grant program visit:


For more information on LVL1, visit:

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