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What: Laser cutter and Vinyl cutter workshop
When: Saturday, 23 March 2019, 12:00noon - 1:00pm
Cost: Free

Ned will teach briefly how to use both the big laser cutter and the vinyl cutter, with more time spend on either depending on crowd interest. Time will not be devoted on a related topic: "how to generate an SVG file to bring to either piece of equipment"; instead the focus will be specifically in the proprietary software that belongs with each piece of equipment and how to setup the hardware.

You do not need to be a member to attend this event or use our equipment to make cool things. (But there must be a member present for you to work in the space.) Anyone entering LVL1 for the first time must sign a waiver of liability. (There's a kiosk right inside the door.)

What: Tea Tasting & Crochet Hat/Scarf Class
When: Friday, 22 March 2019, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Cost: Free

We donated 100 items of handmade winter hats/scarves/ear warmers this winter thanks to donations of yarn, time and making from LVL1 members.

To thank everyone Amy Shah is hosting a Tea Tasting with light refreshments during Friday movie night on March 22, 2019. If you are at all interested in making a simple hat or scarf with crochet, Amy will be available to teach at that time.

All you need: bring your own yarn and crochet hook (or you can likely borrow those of the space just to learn).

You do not need to be a member to attend this event or use our equipment to make cool things. (But there must be a member present for you to work in the space.) Anyone entering LVL1 for the first time must sign a waiver of liability. (There's a kiosk right inside the door.)

What: ShopBot Class
When: Tuesday, 5 March 2019, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Cost: Free

Many of you have been asking for training on the ShopBot, our large CNC router. You must complete a training class like this one to be approved to use this large (and very expensive) machine. Join past president Brian W. before the open meeting for this introductory class.

Bring a laptop computer if you have one. (It's helpful, but not required.)

You do not need to be a member to attend this event or use our equipment to make cool things. (But there must be a member present for you to work in the space.) The Tuesday night Open Meeting in particular is geared to visitors and always includes a tour of the space and a "Show & Tell" session during which we share info about the projects in progress. Anyone entering LVL1 for the first time must sign a waiver of liability. (There's a kiosk right inside the door.)

Check the calendar on our events page for details on this and other upcoming events and workshops.

You do not need to be a member to attend these events or use our equipment to make cool things. (But there must be a member present for you to work in the space.) The Tuesday night Open Meeting (at 8:00pm every Tuesday) in particular is geared to visitors and always includes a tour of the space and a "Show & Tell" session during which we share info about the projects in progress. Anyone entering LVL1 for the first time must sign a waiver of liability. (There's a kiosk right inside the door.)

Are you looking for help/training and don't see what you need on the calendar? Feel free to ask us at any open meeting or email and we'll assist you.

Do you want to teach a class, host a hackathon, or get together with others for some other specific purpose? Check out our Hosting Guide.