As promised, here are some pics and a small video of my light show.
The controller for the lightshow is from It is a 16 channel controller, but I blew out a couple of channels so they stay lit all the time. Here is a pic.
The light controller is in the center and it feeds all the light plugs. The sockets are just screwed onto a 2X8 board and is set into a rubbermaid tub. This worked pretty well in the rain. I cut slits in the side of the tub to run the wires. No water got into the tub whatsoever.
I also built a FM transmitter to play the song to car radios. I made a sign.
The transmitter I used was a ramsey FM 10C
It is a nice kit. I would recommend it for this application.
 The software I used is Vixen.
Now I need to get more songs to play.
Bill, did you use the updated firmware for the TeensyLights when running that show?
Would you be interested in creating some frog sculptures (instead of the reindeer) and then using a frog call cd to time the light show to? Could this be powered by a generator? I'm envisioning people hearing a frog call symphony with various frogs lighting up around the edges of a marshy area. Viewed from a bridge.
PLEASE consider something like that for Bernheim's CONNECT event on August 21st this year. Contact me and we can chat if you might be interested.
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