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LVL1 will be hosting an Android development workshop on Feb. 16th you can sign up one the Eventbright page. Previous programming experience is highly recommended.

  • 7:00pm - Meet and greet, Eclipse and Android SDK help.
  • 7:30pm - Mobile app case lessons presentation from Jay Garmon
  • 8:00pm - LVL1 Android Development Workshop led by Mike Borsuk
    • Android intro / history / OS architecture overview
    • API overview
    • Development tools overview / setup
    • Build / deploy 'Hello World' sample app to emulator and device
    • Give users choice of a few sample apps to build and deploy, help with customizations for interested users
    • Optional: display and discuss a custom hardware platform running running android as well as some commodity devices running custom Android builds

For any questions about this workshop please email