There are (at least) three long-term projects underway at LVL1 and each could use YOUR help. Two currently have build times scheduled weekly on Wednesday nights, the other fortnightly on Mondays. (There are almost always ways to help outside of this schedule and there will certainly be other build times happening. Check with the respective project coordinators -- Charles for the Naval Strategy Game, Paul for the Dust Collector, or Jared for the Power Racing Series.) You don't have to be a LVL1 member to help with any of these projects. In fact, working on projects like these is a great way to meet members and learn more about LVL1.
The totally generic, non-trademarked, non-copyrighted Naval Strategy Game: Charles and Ben spearheaded this build two years ago and demonstrated it at Makerfaire Detroit. Imagine a game board on which one player places ships of varying sizes and the opposing player tries to sink them. Now imagine that the game board is a swimming pool with jets of fire or water to indicate hits or misses. Now imagine that the opponents are hackerspaces playing over the Internet. Drop in on any Night of the Hat* around 8:00pm to lend a hand. (*Night of the Hat happens every other Monday, so check the calendar to see if it's an on-week.)
Dust Collection System: The wood shop is one of the most-used areas at LVL1 and nearly every activity in there generates dust, which can be a health hazard in addition to being just plain messy. Adding a dust collection system is one way to help curb this problem. Check our wiki page ( for some of the history and progress of this project. The system already works on a basic level, but we still need to attach some of the machines, build a fire wall, and install switches. Drop in any Wednesday around 7:00pm to lend a hand.
Power Racing Series: Jared has started making a new vehicle for 2018, breaking tradition at LVL1 of cannibalizing last year's Kart as fodder for the next racing season. This is in an attempt to be able to bring two vehicles to races this year. Also, we may try to race in more events. Check our wiki page ( for more details. With two vehicles to build, there should be plenty of ways for you to get involved. Drop in any Wednesday* around 5:00pm to lend a hand. (* Note: The Makerfaire Workshops are already scheduled on the 4th Wednesday each month until Makerfaire Louisville. Some of those Jared will be teaching, but you could still be working on the vehicles in their absence.)