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Greater Louisville & LVL1 community members -- our membership has a challenge for you.

LVL1 is taking part in the 2016 Give Local Louisville 24-hour fundraiser. We're just 1 of over 600 nonprofits in Greater Louisville to take part in this event.

How can you help?

We'll update this post by Thursday, September 15 with the giving challenges & progress.

Fire Challenges

Challenge Amount
By doing?
Goal Met?
Bundle of cables
Batch of Arduinos
LVL1's first 3D Printer
Favorite Printer
Butterscotch Demo
Aggregate Donations
Wish List
3D Printer
Routing Table
TAZ 3D Dual Extruder Upgrade
Metal lathe & tools
3D Scanner
Power tool refresh
Socket set
Biscuit joiner
Oculus desktop
New Virtual reality set
Monitor refresh

Kicker Prizes:

  • $500 - $3,500 - most unique donations ($10 minimum) (First place: $3,500; Second place: $2,000; Third place: $1,500; Fourth place: $1,000; and Fifth place: $500)
  • $500 - first donation at 12AM
  • $500-$3,500 - Most dollars raised (First place: $3,500; Second place: $2,000; Third place: $1,500; Fourth place: $1,000; and Fifth place: $500)
  • Early Bird - $1,000 to the organization that receives the first, single, online gift of $500 or more
  • Morning Rush$1,000 to the organization with the most unique donors of online gifts between 5:00-8:00 AM
  • Evening Surprise$1,000 will be awarded to an organization between 4:00-7:00 PM
  • surprise criteria will be announced to NPOs on social media at 4:00 PM. Will be based on geography.
  • Late Night$1,000 to the organization with the most unique donors of online gifts between 10:00-11:59 PM

(Yours won't look quite like this...)

What better way is there to start your journey into electronics than to solder your own Arduino?
This workshop will teach you how to identify and solder through-hole components, a very helpful skill, especially when working with Arduino shields.

You do not need to bring anything other than yourself! Solder, soldering irons, components, etc. are all provided by LVL1. Plus, you get to keep the Arduino you soldered together!

Not sure what an Arduino can do? Check out our Arduino 101 Workshop on September 17th.

Learn the basics of Arduino and how to leverage this embedded platform for your next electronics project. We'll cover how to control LEDs, motors, and communicate with a variety of sensors using the Arduino IDE. We'll also cover general electronics topics including voltage and current and basic components like resistors and capacitors. We'll provide the Arduino and other electrical components, but you cannot take them home with you. If you want a set, I'll make recommendations at the workshop.

What you need to do before the workshop:

1. Load your laptop with the latest Arduino IDE installed ( and bring it with you

2. Brush up on C or other programming languages, just enough to be familiar with the big ideas (e.g. variables, loops, if-statements).

3. Get excited, you're about to learn some really awesome stuff 🙂


This workshop will cover the basics of sewing, following a theoretical garment from start to finish. Get introduced to a sewing machine, how to read a pattern, what tools that can make construction easier, and fabrics to consider. With these basics down, you'll be ready to tackle whatever sewing project you can dream up. You don't need to bring anything but notetaking materials (optional, as presentation will be available afterwards) and an enthusiasm to get started! Get your ticket today!