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Join LVL1 for full day of classes covering 3D printing, custom embroidery and

All events Saturday, December 17

10AM-12PM: Embroider a holiday stocking
We'll provide the stocking, you provide your color choice and text and we'll show you the rest! This is a great hands-on project so you can learn the machine & have something to use for the holidays! Cost is $10 that covers all materials to produce a custom embroidered stocking you can take home with you. Please purchase 1 ticket for each stocking.
RSVP Note: Must pay by 8:30 AM Saturday, Dec 17 so we have enough material for you
Cost: $10 (covers materials)

2-4PM: Personalizing your own Tumbler
We'll provide you with an insulated tumbler to personalize! You'll learn what the vinyl cutter can help you personalize and how to quickly adhere an design to a surface.
Cost: $12 (covers 20oz tumbler & materials)

4PM & 5PM: 3D Printing: Getting to know how it works
Learn how 3D printers work, what you can print out and where to find designs. Thinking of getting a 3D printer for the holiday break? Stop here so you can learn the teams before assembling your own.

lvl1halloweenposterfinal2016Halloween is here at LVL1...

...and so are a ton of awesome events!  Stop by this weekend and join in the fun!

Sumobot Tournament

When: Saturday the 29th, 8PM

Sumobots are adorable little robots meant to shove other sumo bots into a burning pit surrounding a sumo ring. Minus the burning pit. Details can be found on the wiki:

Internet of Terror! Hackathon

When: Friday 28th, 8PM - Sunday the 30th 3PM.

Preliminary showing after costume contest judging on the 29th.
Take something from the internet of things and make it terrifying OR connect something terrifying to the internet of things. Terrifying does not necessarily = scary.

Memes of Screams Costume Contest and Hackathon

When: Friday the 28th, 8PM - Saturday, 7PM.  Judging at 8PM.

Don't feel like electronics hacking Halloween weekend? Make a costume based on your favorite internet meme. Wow! Such terror! Extra points for working on the costume at LVL1.  Judging is entirely subjective and criteria will be announced at the start of the hackathon.

Halloween Party

When: Saturday the 29th. 6PM-?

Come enjoy cake and punch while mingling with the denizens of LVL1. Watch sumobots or distract the hackathon participants. A [insert halloween pun here] will be had by all!

Learn the basics of Arduino and how to leverage this embedded platform for your next electronics project. We'll cover how to control LEDs, motors, and communicate with a variety of sensors using the Arduino IDE. We'll also cover general electronics topics including voltage and current and basic components like resistors and capacitors. We'll provide the Arduino and other electrical components, but you cannot take them home with you. If you want a set, I'll make recommendations at the workshop.

What you need to do before the workshop:

1. Load your laptop with the latest Arduino IDE installed ( and bring it with you

2. Brush up on C or other programming languages, just enough to be familiar with the big ideas (e.g. variables, loops, if-statements).

3. Get excited, you're about to learn some really awesome stuff 🙂


Well, Give and Local Louisville has come and gone. Funds were raised; things were burned; videos were made.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to give. We had as many as 640 viewers at any one time on our live stream as we burnt everything from Marshmallows to electronics. We raised $1,095 thanks to all of you!

Check out the news coverage below!

Click here to see spont on WLKY