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Spacers, I am unbelievably excited to announce that LVL1 has been selected as one of the recipients of a $23,500 award from the community foundation! This is a huge achievement for anyone who is part of the LVL1 community, and we cannot thank you enough for making this space the wonderful community that it is!

This grant program is for "capacity building" upgrades, so we're exploring paths which will help us better help you make the cool stuff that you want to make! Per the budget submitted to the Community Foundation, we'll be working on upgrades including: Professional cleaning services (so you don't have to spend time scrubbing toilets or taking out trash!), Public "Open Hours" (we're still not sure how this will work, but it will probably include a maker-in-residence being available to help you make stuff), an 80 watt laser (so you can cut through twice as much stuff!), an upgraded precision mill, more A/C upstairs, more storage shelving (and less collapsible), and a wheelchair ramp for the main entry.

We receive the money at an awards ceremony on January 7th. Shortly afterwards, expect to see lots of stuff getting upgraded!

Until then, you can help us get another $2,500 for space upgrades by participating in this Facebook Poll:

You can vote once a day, so remember to vote early and often! Thanks again for everything you do, LVL1 depends on it!